

Why Does My Cat Bring Me Toys? Do They Want To Play? 

As I keep saying, cats are not dogs, so you may not expect them to walk up to you with something in their mouth. This does however happen, and some cats seem to be more accomplished retrievers than their...

Why Do Cats Like Socks? Is It The Smell? 

As a cat owner, you already know just how weird and eccentric your cat can be. Their oddball behavior can put a smile on your face even on the worst of days, and some of their quirks are outright...

Why Does My Cat Bring Me Socks? Is It a Gift? 

If you’re a first-time cat owner, you may not be expecting to be given gifts by your pet. After all, it’s dogs who bring their owners toys, right?Not quite. Cats will bring you things too, in fact, they can...

Why Does My Cat Sit On Me? Are They Looking For a Cuddle?

As a cat owner, I’m sure you are very familiar with the disruption your furry friend can cause when they sit on you minutes before you need to get up. Whether you were about to head to the bathroom...

Why Does My Cat Bite My Feet? Are They Playing?

Living with a cat means facing random and unexpected attacks at random and unexpected times. You could very casually be walking by an open door, a chair, a couch, and your feet may be pounced on and bitten out...

Do Cats Know When You Are Sad? Do They Try To Help?

When you’re having a particularly bad day, does your cat curl up on your lap and keep you company? Do they come and sniff or lick your tears when you cry? Are they more clingy when you’re going through...

Why Does My Cat Lick My Nose? 14 Possible Explanations 

Has your cat ever licked your nose while you were cuddling? Do they also perhaps slightly nibble your nose and then lick it? In cat world, licking each other is a sign of affection. Mother cats groom their kittens from...

Why Do Cats Stick Their Tongue Out? Are They Being Funny?

Does your cat stick their tongue out? Do you find it as weird as I do? Why do they do this? Are they trying to tell us something? Let’s uncover the reasons your cat may be choosing to stick their...

Why Is My Can So Scared of Everything? How Can I Help?

When you adopt any animal, a hundred questions rush through your mind. Will they like you, will you like them, what will living together be like? Some pets will adapt to their new home in a matter of days, while...

25 Smells Cats Hate And When to Use Them

Cats have truly amazing noses. They can smell things we will never even notice a hint of, and are masters at sniffing out things of interest, most notably food. These extra sensitive noses also happen to dislike quite a few...

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