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Small Pets

Do Hamsters Have Tails? Are They Hiding Them? 

If you are not yet a hamster owner, you may be wondering if the little guys have tails or not. Given their rotund and small bodies, it’s no wonder hamster tails are so well hidden. Or, perhaps non-existent? Are hamsters...

How Long Can Hamsters Go Without Water?

If you are often away from home, as a hamster parent, you will be wondering how long you can leave them alone for, and how long they can go without water. While hamsters can go 3-4 days without food, they...

How Long Can Hamsters Go Without Food?

As a hamster parent, you will want to know exactly how long your fluffy pet can go without food. It will help you both plan your own schedule to always be home when they need to be fed, and...

Is My Guinea Pig Overweight? Do They Need To Go On a Diet? 

Obesity is a very dangerous condition, for humans, cats, dogs and guinea pigs alike. While packing a couple of extra pounds won’t do you much harm, adding even as little as 100 grams to a guinea pig’s small frame...

Do Guinea Pigs Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

As you walk by your guinea pig’s cage, you may notice that they appear to be constantly awake. Their eyes are always open anyway. Does this mean that your pet is actually sleeping with its eyes open? Do they feel...

Can Guinea Pigs Get Fleas? Who Do They Get Them From? 

If you’ve ever owned a cat or a dog, you have probably been faced with a flea infestation or two. And while getting rid of the pesky little critters can be quite the drag, a bath or two and...

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tomatoes? Do They Like Them?

Watching a guinea pig eat can be a marvelous passtime. They can make the most adorable faces as they munch away on their fruits and veggies. In order to thrive, guineas need a colorful diet. However, since there are some...

Why Does My Hamster Smell Bad? Is He Sick? 

Hamsters are often considered stinky animals, which is why a lot of potential pet owners ultimately decide not to get one. However, what most people don’t realize is that hamsters don’t actually smell that bad themselves, and that the...

Can Hamsters Eat Carrots? Are They Good for Their Teeth? 

Hamsters need some fruits and veggies in their diet. How much though, and what are some of the best ones to offer them?Are carrots a good idea? Or are they perhaps too hard or too high in sugar? Since...

Is My Hamster Dead or Hibernating? How Can I Tell?

Owners of hamsters, especially those who have never owned one before, can sometimes confuse their hibernation with death. After all, if they aren’t moving and can’t be roused, how are you to tell if your tiny pet is just...

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